Quick Setup

From wiki.dmon.io

Option 1: Quick Setup with Installer

Step 1

Run the install script in a Linux terminal. If you copy/paste this from dmon.io/jobs/config then the telemetryKey will be provided. Otherwise you'll need to copy the key from that page for the installer.

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmon-io/client/main/install.sh)"

Step 2

Go to dmon.io/jobs/config and adopt the device.


  • If you install as root, a cron job is placed in /etc/cron.d/dmon. Delete this file and optionally delete /usr/local/bin/dmon.py.
  • If you install as a user, edit your local crontab with `crontab -e` and remove the dmon line. Optionally delete ~/.local/bin/dmon.py.

Option 2: Manual Installation

Step 1

Download a metrics push script. On linux you can:

curl -s -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/dmon-io/client/main/dmon.py

Other push scripts are available at the dmon.io client github.com repo.

Step 2

Configure the script to run every minute to push updated status and metrics to dmon.io. As a cron string, this looks like:

* * * * * python3 /path/dmon.py --net eth0 --cron {telemetryKey} {jobName}

Edit --net to reflect your primary network interface. Use your own {jobName}, a string identifier of your choosing. Populate your secret {telemetryKey} (from dmon.io) here.

Step 3

Go to dmon.io and adopt the job. Wait a few minutes and see the pretty graphs on the job detail page.

Option 3: (alternate) No Metrics

If metrics are not needed, you can still send a heartbeat, allowing dmon.io to establish a heartbeat interval and alerting account owners if heartbeats are missed.

Setting this up is usually done with a cron job using your dmon.io provided {TelementryKey} and a {JobName} of your choice. Keep your {TelemetryKey} private as it is the key to checking in to your account's job namespace.

* * * * * curl -s https://in.dmon.io/{TelemetryKey}/{JobName} > /dev/null

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